SBIR Matching Fund

GW’s Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is proud to offer the GW TCO Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Matching Fund.  The Fund helps startups collaborate with GW researchers to develop innovations licensed from GW.

Startups may inquire with TCO to about fund availability.


SBIR Matching Fund Guidelines

  • The GW TCO SBIR Matching Fund may provide up to $100,000 per award for internal GW research.
  • TCO will match 2:1 the amount the applicant company has spent on GW research in the last two years. Also included in the match are amounts the company is providing to GW as a sub-award on a Phase I SBIR or STTR, which started in the last two years.
  • Scope of work must further develop a technology licensed from TCO.
  • GW TCO may award up to two SBIR Matching Funds per fiscal year.


GW TCO SBIR Matching Fund process


Application Criteria

Applicants must have met all three of these criteria:

  1. Received a Phase I SBIR or STTR in the last two years to develop technology owned by GW
  2. Licensed or optioned the technology from GW TCO. Preference will be given to applicants with licenses over those with options
  3. Sponsored research at GW in the last two years or submitted a sponsored research agreement or subaward to GW to be performed in the current fiscal year


To Apply

To be considered for the SBIR Matching Fund, email the following items to [email protected] (first inquire by email about funds availability):

  1. The SBIR or STTR Phase I proposal that was awarded in the last two years and the most recent related progress or final report
  2. The project description for the use of the SBIR Matching Fund award
  3. The budget and personnel
  4. Identification of the technology being developed under the SBIR/STTR that was licensed/optioned from GW TCO



Connect with Us

If you have questions or specific technology requests, we’d love to hear from you.